4141 Rhynland Drive, Sherrill’s Ford, NC 28673
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We stopped by yesterday for some last minute pumpkins. However, we got distracted by the beautiful fruit selection! My son ate most of the blackberries before we even got home. I bought a loaf of zucchini bread that was "gluten free" but it looked good so I figured I'd try it. Well, it was basically the best thing I ever ate. Highly recommend stopping in to see their selection and to try new things ❤

Dana Lustig White

Great Place! I purchased mulch and plants form you! No ready for mums and pumpkins!

Shawna Robinson

Lakeside Mulch & Stone / Farmer's Market awesome.

Gayle Price Cannon

Great job.

Susan Petti Bassinger

Very nice people!!

Kathy Thompson

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